Friday, February 19, 2010

Sat Feb 20

What a busy day !

Someone mentioned that they thought the shed looked big but there was nothing to compare it to....

So heres a shot with my car in the garage part - good for instant loading - but thats the width of the shed indeed...

Anyway onto the finds of the day.....

OK so I think this is from an aircraft of some sort - no idea which one. And it appears to be a lever. Throttle maybe, or bay opener???  The lever works perfectly, the wood is super light. The only markings I can see on it are :

JL5 near the top

110 on top of baseplate with an X on opposite side..

underneath you can see the notations on the plug area. There is also numbering 247477  and the note 797FG NOT ANODISED. A couple of stamp marks but I cannot tell what they are...

Anyone have any ideas???

Next !

I think my Grandpa had a secret thing for phone exchanges !!!!

So this one is far more modern, a Phillips TMC part. Would have had two jack plugs originally but the one in here works fine (on a tensioned pulley system) Switches all seems to move, you can see above the DynoTape (Red colour) number the moulding has snapped off, but its very cool and Im sure someone could use it for spares. Components one the circuit board (printed Exchange Line Circuit) are from TMC and Pye 

So this is a 3 Magslip Transformer MK IV.  Aside from the broken moulding on the bottom pic its in very good condition and Im sure someone could get a replacement for that.

What is it exactly?? Don't know other than I am thinking it came from a tank and had something to do with the guns/battery/whatever they call it.. - see second pic - where the screw should be is a military mark - there is also a 58A etched there to.  But if anyone has info that would be good!!

Another one of those strange components that make up a WWII plane. I just have no idea what it is - maybe if someone sees the part number they may be able to identify it....

Anyway that should do for the week. I have a lot of cleaning of items to do now, must get rid of the dust,  and I think a decent hot shower is in order too.

Thanks for everyone's help and interest so far, its been great !

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